
Knowing Thyself A Scientific Study of Self Selfology ~Dalai Lama If every 8 year old is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation. In understanding the Self, we unlock the mysteries of the Universe. Why I am here? What is the true reality of my beingness? Can I ever truly know myself completely? Why should I search my Self? Who am I?

What is Selfology ?

A branch of study to understand Self fundamentally using various scientific disciplines.

Selfology® emerges as a pioneering and interdisciplinary field of study aimed at comprehensively understanding the Self. This groundbreaking subject integrates physical, biological, psychological, and also the metaphysical dimensions in a scientific enquiry into the nature of the Self. The primary motivation behind this endeavor is to provide profound insights into the true essence of the Self, addressing the age-old existential question, “Who am I in this vast cosmos?”

Why to study Self

When confronted with the question “Who are you?” individuals often respond with a litany of details such as their name, surname, nationality, religion, community, caste and category (in India), clan, family, and a myriad of socioeconomic identifiers like wealth, class, majority/minority status, profession, and its associated status.


However, it’s worth pondering whether these external labels truly encapsulate a person’s essence. These socioeconomic classifications are assigned by external entities and are either forcefully or strategically ingrained by certain ruling classes over the course of societal evolution.


Moreover, from the moment of birth, children are entangled in this intricate web of identities and affiliations, assigned without their consent. Throughout their lives, individuals are compelled to embrace and defend these identities, and the weight of these affiliations is so deeply rooted that some may even be willing to sacrifice their own lives or take the lives of others to protect these fictitious identities. Isn’t this a cause for concern?


All of these emerge as products of a societal framework that is imposed, politicized, and commercialized—essentially serving as both artistic and commercial means of personal identification. Importantly, these labels can never fully represent one’s true identity. In light of these considerations, it becomes imperative to reflect on the authentic essence of the Self. One must explore what constitutes the genuine identification of an individual.


One must explore Self, scientifically, naturally, spiritually – fundamentally. Delving into these realms prompts the crucial question: “Who am I” at the core? The TRUTH of Self must be unveiled.


All of these emerge as products of a societal framework that is imposed, politicized, and commercialized—essentially serving as both artistic and commercial means of personal identification. Importantly, these labels can never fully represent one’s true identity. In light of these considerations, it becomes imperative to reflect on the authentic essence of the Self. One must explore what constitutes the genuine identification of an individual.

One must explore Self, scientifically, naturally, spiritually – fundamentally. Diving deep into these realms prompts the crucial question: “Who am I” at the core? The TRUTH of Self must be unveiled.

